Donate a Raffle Basket/Item for our 2nd Annual Fundraising Event Jordyn's Light Presents: Family Fun Day & Raffle Extravaganza
Saturday August 30th, 2025
Help us reach our goal of 100 or more raffle basket/items
Donate a Raffle Basket/Item
Would your business be interested in creating and donating a raffle basket or a gift certificate/item?
Donations will be accepted until August 27th, 2025
If you can mail your donation, please send it to: (ex. Gift Cards/certificates)
Jordyn's Light Inc., 1201 Colvin Blvd, Suite 5., Buffalo, NY, 14223.
For drop-off arrangements, please click on the relevant option on the form below.
If you require a donation pickup please choose that option on the form.
Donated baskets should be wrapped or bagged in clear cellophane or shrink wrap bags.
Donations should have a minimum value of $25
Your donation is greatly appreciated!
Donations can be gift cards/certificates, themed baskets, tickets, single items, services, Kids themed, electronics, toys, bikes, small appliances, experiences, etc (Pinterest has a ton of cool ideas)
Please no used items.
Last year we had baskets/Items/Certificates ranging from $25-$500
Donated Baskets/Items